Male, Bhutan, Age 36, (Personal information not listed for security reasons)
I come from a Buddhist family. As was the custom of my religion I used to follow the so-called traditions faithfully. Growing up, I thought that my religion was the truth and all the others were meaningless.
In course of time my mother was affected with an epidemic disease. Since we were Buddhists several witchdoctors were called to get my mother completely whole. Lot of money was spent on animal sacrifices. But in reality nothing worked out in her life. She continued to suffer and finally was admitted in the hospital. Yet there was no sign of improvement, and my whole family was plunged into disappointments.
Thankfully, there came an evangelist to visit my mother. He started by sharing about the Lord Jesus and His healing power. My family keenly listened to his words. My mother by this time believed that this Lord would give her complete relief. So when the pastor prayed for her, she received complete deliverance from the Lord Jesus. The miracle led my father and me to accept the Lord as our Savior. Shortly afterwards we were baptized in water.
My family continued to grow in the Lord, and my father wanted me to be a gospel worker. But I did not take the matter seriously. However, one night the Lord spoke to me very clearly about my calling for the evangelization of the lost. I humbly accepted the call and enrolled myself in a theological institute to learn the Word.
I serve the Lord as an evangelist in the Buddhist and Hindu villages of Bhutan. I am blessed to serve the Lord among the children and youths, slum dwellers, anti-Christians and old age people.