Salvation Testimonies

Male, Nepal, Age 63, (personal information not listed for security reasons)


I was a Hindu priest venerating numerous deities and worshipped evil spirits. I often offered sacrifices to appease them and hoped for protection and prosperity. But my efforts were of no avail as the pagan gods could not give me the joy and happiness I looked for. Sicknesses and problems one after another robbed the peace from my family and we were in total chaos.


Gradually I was unable to appease the gods and spirits I was worshipping and therefore had to face the consequences. A sigh fell on my family when we lost our baby and my wife became abnormal. Day after day the attacks became severe and there was no way left for her deliverance. At this time one of my relatives who believed in Jesus asked me to trust in Him for a miracle and directed me to a church. The servant of God shared the gospel with us and assured the redemption through Christ Jesus. We trusted the Lord’s promises and prayed along with the believers. And I was amazed when the mighty hands of God touched my wife and liberated her from the evil bondage. We were convinced of the power of the Almighty God in our lives. With a penitent heart we confessed our sins and accepted the Lord as our personal Savior. I obeyed the Lord in water baptism as a testimony of my faith in Christ.


My friends and relatives who learned of my conversion advised me to renounce Christ because they feared that the demons would attack the family. I kept pressing on and grew stronger in my faith. The powers of darkness were completely defeated and my protected and prosperous life became a living testimony to many. I started serving the Lord in my village and many received the Lord as their personal Savior. As my ministry grew, I realized the need of having a deeper understanding of the Word and to be equipped for an effective ministry I enrolled in a Bible school.




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