Salvation Testimonies

Anonymous, Sri Lanka, (personal information not listed for security reasons)


Physically I became weak as I grew up. I was a victim of polio and arthiritis and was unable to walk. Though I consulted several doctors, I could not find complete recovery. I became wearied when I realized my destiny. The dark future that was ahead broke my heart. No sympathetic words could lessen my mental pains.


Time passed. One day I chanced to hear a clear message of salvation. As I went deep into the truths I heard, I learned that Jesus is the answer for all sufferings and in Him there is healing and deliverance. Tearfully I prayed for God’s mighty revelation in my life. I believed in Jesus Christ. God who honored my faith set me free from my troubling condition, and I was made whole. With this miracle my whole family turned to Jesus Christ. I thanked God for giving me a victory over my distressing thoughts.


I grew in the Lord. As I realized the significance of water baptism, I obeyed the Lord publicly. I began to share the story of my deliverance among the non-believers and tried my level best to bring them to the right track. During this period I heard the divine calling for full-time ministry. I humbled myself to do the Lord’s will and thereafter enrolled in a Bible college. Now I am serving the Lord as an evangelist among the Buddhists and Hindus of Sri Lanka.




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