Salvation Testimonies

Anonymous, Asia, (personal information not listed for security reasons)


I was born into a Christian family. Growing up, I never thought much about life after death or about hell and heaven. Instead I indulged in wordly pleasures with my friends. My only ambition in life was to obtain a high education and become rich. But due to sinful addictions, my dreams remained unfulfilled. I stopped studying after the seventh grade and aimlessly wandered the streets. During all those days my parents were praying for my conversion.


By the abundant grace of God when I was 19 years old, I came under a deep conviction of the Holy Spirit. My father’s teachings opened my spiritual eyes, and I became aware of my sinful and lost condition. So confessing my transgressions, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Later joining a believers’ church, I was publicly baptized in water.


Then in 1988 I began suffering from a serious illness and was at the point of death. During that incurable time a Bible Woman came to my house and prayed for me. She said that God was using this difficult situation in my life to bring glory to His name and asked my parents to dedicate me for the Lord’s ministry. Then when she prayed for me, God miraculously healed me. This divine experience drew me closer to Jesus and I understood His call for my life to preach the gospel. So obedient to the call, I dedicated the rest of my life to full-time ministry.




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