Salvation Testimonies

Anonymous, Sri Lanka, (personal information not listed for security reasons)


I come from a Buddhist background and was deeply involved in the religious practices. But during my school years I observed a very strange happening. A student in a higher class was subject to ridicule and continuously taunted because he was a Christian. At school all the students went to the temple before the study hour started. But this particular student hid himself in the classroom. Thus many times I joined with the other students and ridiculed the Christian. As I was a member of the Buddhist association at school, I loved to do anti-Christian activities. I started to argue with the Christian and tried to convince him of Buddha which always ended in me fighting with him. Yet he was very kind and never bitter in his heart.


During this period I heard that my older brother turned to the Lord. Enraged, I tried very hard to explain to my brother that what he was doing was a wrong thing. But my brother continued to stay with the Lord. Before long my younger brother also believed in Jesus Christ. My brothers tearfully prayed for my transformation. But zealous in the Buddhist religion, I tried to stay away from my brothers and continue my anti-Christian activities more powerfully. In the meantime I was summoned by the school principal for my involvement in the anti-Christian movements. To my amazement, the principal also was a Christian and was partly successful in sharing with me the truths of Christianity. Not long after I suffered from tonsillitis. So my older brother invited me to his church and said, “Jesus will heal you from all sicknesses.” But I was adamant and refused to go.


Yet, eventually, I went to the local believers’ church where the pastor explained the Biblical truths to me. Enlightened by the Word, I realized that Jesus is the only living God and decided to follow him. With the guidance of the pastor I repeated the sinners’ prayer and invited Jesus into my heart. At that same moment I received great joy and peace in my heart. Daily, God helped me to build my life in a clear way and walk in the righteous path. Later I was baptized in water and walked with the Lord. Soon I was clearly confirmed of the Lord’s calling for full-time ministry. I then joined a Bible school to study the Word and be effective in the ministry.


Among the Buddhists of Sri Lanka, I serve the Lord as an evangelist. Everyday the Lord is strengthening me to witness His love.




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