Site Information

Information about the mission, purpose and general information regarding the site, purchasing art and image use policy. Your artwork purchase goes directly towards advancing the gospel and helping suffering people around the world!

Profits firstly go towards JTBA’s weekly outreach. 
(See About John the Baptist Artworks for more information.) All profits beyond this get sent to three major international Christian missions and charities. (See the Ministries Link Page for more information about these organizations and the work they do. To see what projects money has been donated to in the past, see About John the Baptist Artworks.)

Image Use Policy

Image Use Policy   All artwork is copyright protected, and all rights are reserved. I greatly desire to see God glorified and his kingdom advanced through my artwork. Therefore, I love to partner with those of like heart and mind by providing

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Purchase Artwork Information

Certain originals are for sale. Check the Availability Status (located directly underneath each image in the Gallery) to find out its price or if it has been SOLD. ONFS stands for “Original Not For Sale”. If an original is not available for sale, you may order an acid free print or an archival quality print of the image instead

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All Profits To Charity

John the Bap­tist Art­works (JTBA) sends all profits from the sales of artwork (beyond operating expenses go directly towards evan­ge­lis­tic and char­i­ta­ble work. Sales firstly sup­port JTBA’s weekly evan­ge­lis­tic out­reach at Sala­manca Mar­ket

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Salamanca Market

On many Saturdays I have a stall at Salamanca Market in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, where both my Christian artwork and Tasmanian wilderness landscape photography are featured and for sale. Weather permitting, I work live on my easel. (I am usually found

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Off Centre Gallery

I am a member of Off Centre Gallery in Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, where my Tasmanian wilderness landscape photography is permanently on display and available for purchase.  Off Centre is a co-operative gallery of local Tasmanian fine artists. Off Centre features

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