LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY > CRADLE MOUNTAIN – LAKE ST. CLAIR NATIONAL PARK AND THE OVERLAND TRACK – TASMANIA > Cradle Mountain and Dove Lake Misty Morning Reflections (Cradle Mountain – Lake St. Clair National Park)


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Cradle Mountain and Dove Lake are Tasmania’s foremost natural icons and part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area. Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park features a variety of different landscapes including buttongrass moorlands, temperate rainforests and untamed alpine areas and mountain peaks. It is home to many precious endemic and endangered plants and animals, such as Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagles and 1000+ year old King Billy pines.

The Dove Lake Circuit takes walkers on a gentle tour of Cradle Mountain’s varied landscapes and past the renowned Dove Lake Boat Shed. Along the tracks near Ronny Creek walkers are nearly guaranteed to encounter wombats while more patient visitors will have a good chance of spotting platypus along the Enchanted Walk. The more adventurous can climb Marion’s Lookout and scale Cradle Mountain’s summit at 1545m (5069′) to gain fantastic views over Cradle Mountain – Lake St. Clair National Park, Walls of Jerusalem National Park and the Overland Track.

Landscape Photography