LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY > CRADLE MOUNTAIN – LAKE ST. CLAIR NATIONAL PARK AND THE OVERLAND TRACK – TASMANIA > Pandanis at Cephissus Creek (Pine Valley, Cradle Mountain – Lake St. Clair National Park)


Print Sizes: S, M, L

Richea Pandanifolia, or pandanis, as they are more commonly known, are a small tree endemic to Tasmania’s western alpine areas. They grow to be anywhere from 2m (6′) to 12m (39′) tall, and their leaves can grow up to 1m (3′) long. Pandanis are much loved by Tasmanians, most likely for their quirky looks, which (in my opinion) resemble small people with wild hairdos.

These pandanis were photographed along Cephissus Creek near Pine Valley in Cradle Mountain – Lake St. Clair National Park. The track to Pine Valley is a side track from off of the Overland Track with continuing tracks into the Labyrinth, The Acropolis and the DuCane Range. It is accessed about an hour north of Narcissus Hut, the final hut on the Overland Track.

Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair National Park World Heritage Area features a variety of different landscapes including buttongrass moorlands, temperate rainforests and untamed alpine areas and mountain peaks. It is home to many precious endemic and endangered plants and animals, such as Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagles and 1000+ year old King Billy pines.

Landscape Photography