LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY > FREYCINET NATIONAL PARK – TASMANIA > Mt. Amos Summit (Freycinet National Park) black and white
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Freycinet National Park is home to Wineglass Bay and the Hazards, an iconic mountain range resting between Coles Bay and Wineglass Bay. With its crystal blue water, white sand beaches, pink granite peaks and wildlife, Freycinet is an idyllic photographer’s delight.
The best view of Wineglass Bay is from the summit of Mt. Amos. Mt. Amos is a mountain belonging to “The Hazards”, a small chain of granite peaks within Freycinet National Park on the east coast of Tasmania, just outside of Coles Bay. Although the track to the summit of Mt. Amos is a little challenging, the steep climb is well worth the rewarding view.
The vast majority of people who climb Mt. Amos do so to see Wineglass Bay, but the summit also has other points of interest, including these oddly weathered rocks, which caught the attention of this artist who was on the lookout for interesting natural compositions.