LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY > SOUTHWEST NATIONAL PARK – SOUTH COAST TRACK REGION – TASMANIA > Ocean Meets Shore on Tasmania’s South Coast (South Cape Bay, South Coast Track, Southwest National Park)


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South Cape Bay is the southernmost point of Australia and is located within Tasmania’s Southwest National Park World Heritage Area, Tasmania’s largest park at 6183 square km (2387 square mi). It is Tasmania’s most remote and rugged wilderness.

South Cape Bay can be accessed by either the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is to start at Cockle Creek and walk for a couple of hours over relatively flat terrain with variable scenery through dry eucalypt forests, marshy heathlands and coastal shrub. The hard way is to fly into Melaleuca and walk for seven days (74 km (46 mi)) on Tasmania’s famous “South Coast Track”.

A powerful wind belt, called ‘The Roaring Forties’, rips around the Southern Ocean at 40-50 degrees south latitude, striking Tasmania’s south coast in full force. These winds produce huge swells (often 4-6 m (13-20′)), unleashing powerful waves that batter Tasmania’s South Cape Bay.

Landscape Photography