LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY > CRADLE MOUNTAIN – LAKE ST. CLAIR NATIONAL PARK AND THE OVERLAND TRACK – TASMANIA > Mt. Oakleigh from New Pelion Hut (The Overland Track, Cradle Mountain – Lake St. Clair National Park)


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The Overland Track is a 65 km (40 mi) bushwalking track that traverses through the heart of  the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area within Cradle Mountain – Lake St. Clair National Park. The Overland Track finishes at Lake St. Clair and takes approximately 5-6 days to complete. It  features a variety of different landscapes, including buttongrass moorlands, temperate rainforests and rugged mountain peaks and is home to many precious endemic species, such as Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagles and 1000+ year old King Billy pines. 

New Pelion Hut lies in the heart of the Overland Track and grants access to a few different mountains, including Mt. Ossa, Tasmania’s highest mountain (1617m (5305′)), the crowning jewel of the Overland Track. While New Pelion Hut lies in the shadow of Mt. Ossa, it is the dramatic, jagged skyline of Mt. Oakleigh that dominates the view from New Pelion Hut. There is a track to the summit of Mt. Oakleigh, which offers magnificent, unobscured views of the Pelion Range.

Landscape Photography