salvation testimonies from India

Anonymous: Communist Sees The Power of Darkness Overcome by The Power of Jesus (India)

Anonymous, India (personal information not listed for security reasons)   Being a Communist, I believed that every thing can be achieved by the might of human hands. I did not believe in any god or goddesses and the idea of a supernatural being was really a myth to me. I hated the servants of God […]

Anonymous: Communist Sees The Power of Darkness Overcome by The Power of Jesus (India) Read More »

Manoj: Animist Finds No Power in His Religion but Finds Power in Jesus (India)

Manoj, India, Age 27   I was born September 27, 1976, into an Animistic (worshippers of nature, ancestral spirits, and many different gods) family in India. The superstitious beliefs of my family kept me blinded from the true living God. In our ignorance we venerated evil spirits and numerous gods. Our devotion went to the

Manoj: Animist Finds No Power in His Religion but Finds Power in Jesus (India) Read More »

Elijah: Persecuted Before Birth (Myanmar)

Elijah, Myanmar   Elijah* [*name has been changed for security purposes] faced persecution since he was in the womb. He grew up in a family of strong Buddhists in Myanmar. His grandfather was the local sorcerer.   He could cast spells on people, Elijah said. He could tell what was going to happen in the future. He

Elijah: Persecuted Before Birth (Myanmar) Read More »

Suneetha: She Found Which God is The True God (India)

Suneetha, India, Age 20   I was born July 23, 1983, into a Hindu family in India. We resided in a place that was mostly inhabited by Muslims. As Hindus though, we practiced our religion faithfully. However, we were attracted by the Muslim culture and their monotheistic belief. In due course, our family embraced Islam

Suneetha: She Found Which God is The True God (India) Read More »