No Religion

Anonymous: Out of Physical and Sexual Abuse, Substance Abuse, Homosexuality to a New Life (Canada)

One rainy day I was walking on a street, with no plans and nowhere to go. It felt good to be free and away from home. Someone saw me and pulled over and asked me if I needed a ride. I was startled. I took the ride. He knew something was up.

Anonymous: Out of Physical and Sexual Abuse, Substance Abuse, Homosexuality to a New Life (Canada) Read More »

Anonymous: Communist Sees The Power of Darkness Overcome by The Power of Jesus (India)

Anonymous, India (personal information not listed for security reasons)   Being a Communist, I believed that every thing can be achieved by the might of human hands. I did not believe in any god or goddesses and the idea of a supernatural being was really a myth to me. I hated the servants of God

Anonymous: Communist Sees The Power of Darkness Overcome by The Power of Jesus (India) Read More »

Yuen: Seeing The Power of God (China)

Yuen, China   July 31, 2001   I was raised in a traditional Chinese family with a Christian Mother. Since Dad married a Christian against his parents’ warning, my Mom suffered a great deal for her faith (attacks from my Dad’s relatives). As a result, she was almost always bedridden when we were young (up

Yuen: Seeing The Power of God (China) Read More »

David Berkowitz: High Profile Serial Killer “Son of Sam” Forgiven and Radically Changed by Jesus Christ (USA)

One rainy day I was walking on a street, with no plans and nowhere to go. It felt good to be free and away from home. Someone saw me and pulled over and asked me if I needed a ride. I was startled. I took the ride. He knew something was up.

David Berkowitz: High Profile Serial Killer “Son of Sam” Forgiven and Radically Changed by Jesus Christ (USA) Read More »

Anonymous: Jesus Could Forgive Even Me (Japan)

Anonymous, Japan, Age: 82   In Japan, Jesus is called Iesu Kristo. I didn’t like his name even though I didn’t know anything about him. I didn’t like it because I thought it was a different, foreign religion. My grandma, who helped care for me when I was young, was Buddhist and Tenrikyo (a Japanese religion).

Anonymous: Jesus Could Forgive Even Me (Japan) Read More »

Anonymous: Agnostic Scientist Objectively Tests The Validity of The Bible (Canada)

One rainy day I was walking on a street, with no plans and nowhere to go. It felt good to be free and away from home. Someone saw me and pulled over and asked me if I needed a ride. I was startled. I took the ride. He knew something was up.

Anonymous: Agnostic Scientist Objectively Tests The Validity of The Bible (Canada) Read More »

Myoung-Hee: Escape from North Korea and Finding Jesus (North Korea)

Myoung-Hee*, North Korea (Name changed for security reasons)   Myoung-Hee still remembers seeing her father stumbling into their home, pale and weak. He gestured that he desperately wanted to speak, before breaking down in tears. He cried so loudly that Myoung-Hee feared the neighbours would warn the police. Her mother pushed him into the bathroom

Myoung-Hee: Escape from North Korea and Finding Jesus (North Korea) Read More »

Anonymous: From Dysfunctional Family, Alcohol, Drugs, Suicidal Tendencies to a Transformed Life in Jesus (USA)

One rainy day I was walking on a street, with no plans and nowhere to go. It felt good to be free and away from home. Someone saw me and pulled over and asked me if I needed a ride. I was startled. I took the ride. He knew something was up.

Anonymous: From Dysfunctional Family, Alcohol, Drugs, Suicidal Tendencies to a Transformed Life in Jesus (USA) Read More »

Anonymous: Hindu Witchdoctors Cannot Heal, But Jesus Does (Nepal)

Anonymous, Nepal, (Personal information not listed for security reasons)   Being orthodox Hindus we worshipped idol gods and ancestors. We visited temples to offer sacrifices to appease them and we believed if we were not offering an animal sacrifice, the wrath would come upon us. So we did all the rituals and invited a witch

Anonymous: Hindu Witchdoctors Cannot Heal, But Jesus Does (Nepal) Read More »

Scott: Only Jesus Can Fill The Emptiness (Australia)

Scott, Australia, Age 38   I remember growing up with a fear of death and wondered what would happen to me after I died. I was sure there had to be more to life than just living, then dying. I think this is something God placed in my heart as a yearning for Him. I

Scott: Only Jesus Can Fill The Emptiness (Australia) Read More »

Salvation Testimonies from Africa

Eldadi: A Thief Caught by The Holy Spirit (Tanzania)

I am Timothy Abraham (this is my Christian alias), a simple Egyptian from the Delta region. Farms surrounded me from every side with streams of the luxurious Nile river endowing life with fertility. I had a strong Islamic upbringing in my childhood, studying in the village shop for teaching the Quran (al-Kutaab).

Eldadi: A Thief Caught by The Holy Spirit (Tanzania) Read More »

Anonymous: Miraculously Healed of Polio and Arthritis, Whole Family Comes to Believe in Jesus (Sri Lanka)

Anonymous, Sri Lanka, (personal information not listed for security reasons)   Physically I became weak as I grew up. I was a victim of polio and arthiritis and was unable to walk. Though I consulted several doctors, I could not find complete recovery. I became wearied when I realized my destiny. The dark future that

Anonymous: Miraculously Healed of Polio and Arthritis, Whole Family Comes to Believe in Jesus (Sri Lanka) Read More »