Original Artwork: SOLD, Charcoal 59.5 cm x 46 cm (23.5″ x 18″)

This drawing was done on commission for someone. It was a vision he had while in a place of desperation because of his rebellion from God.

Artist’s Reflection:

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honour depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Selah.” (Psalm 62:5-8)

“Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one.” (Isaiah 44:8)

This drawing was commissioned by someone. The following is what the picture is about in his own words:

I was a strong Christian and tried in my first marriage for many years before falling into moral failure. I confessed and tried to change but the seeds of deep unhappiness had taken root. I lost my marriage and regular access to my children. I went back into the world–drinking, clubbing, taking drugs and being with women.

After a time the world did not want me–I was in no man’s land, the valley of indecision. I could not enjoy God as I was in sin and could not enjoy the world as I carried God with me there–He never left my side. I would even go ‘out’ and ask for His protection and would offer to be used, and indeed in those places of darkness I would come across his people and share with them (I have tried to understand the theology of this (being in sin and being used by God)–the Holy Spirit said to me, “I will use anyone. They don’t have to be perfect, just obedient.”)

I formed a relationship with a person in darkness–they were trapped. I helped them to fight some spiritual battles and bring them to God but the relationship was unhealthy. I went through emotional abuse and humiliation through this relationship. I suffered many deep scars through this and eventually broke free. I began to finally come to a place of obedience. It was hard work but the pain drove me back to God and His ways.

Then I began to feel the loneliness. I am convinced that loneliness is a large doorway through which many sins gain a foothold. At this stage I got desperate with God. I felt like I had lost everything–my marriage, regular access to my kids, no relationship–I couldn’t even return to the world as it lost its appeal. Not many friends, no career, just God and obedience.

That’s when He showed me my true state. I saw the naked man upon the rock. He was lashed by rain and the ‘storms of life’. He was totally stripped of status, achievement…and of pride. His true state was that he had absolutely nothing. And the Lord said, “That is you”. I looked at this and knew at once it was true. I had that feeling deep inside my spirit when ‘the penny drops’. Self realisation, spiritual awakening-a ‘God’ moment. I felt weak and humbled–I felt vulnerable and totally open. My walls were broken down. In that moment I questioned the Lord and said, “Where are you?” “I am the Rock,” he said…

My spirit stirred again. Vulnerability turned to security. Angst turned to understanding. Desperation turned to surrender to His will. No moment is wasted. No hardship or stubborn sin is without its redemptive value. God turns all those things that were intended for our harm to be used for our good…if we are obedient and are called (and choose to walk) the plan of His purposes. He is all we need, He is our only security, and against Him the very gates of hell shall not prevail. We serve a Mighty Lord indeed!

If you look carefully, you will see that the Rock upon which the man lies is in the form of Christ’s hands.