Praise and Worship Series
Experiencing and knowing God moves us to praise and worship him! To know God is to love him, and when we love him we cannot help but worship him. It was for this very purpose that we were created. It is where we find our life, and it is the only place we ever find true fulfilment and contentment. This series reveals various facets of praise and worship, part of the central core of our relationship with God.

Where We’re Meant to Be: Worshiping Jesus

Be Glorified

Casting Off The Cloak of Mourning

Sons of The Light

Holy Spirit Fire

Prophetic Worship

Home Is Where Your Heart Is

The Anointing (Bass Guitar)

The Anointing (Drums)

The Anointing (Guitar)

The Anointing (Piano)

The Anointing

The Joy of The Redeemed (King David Dancing 1)

The Joy of The Redeemed (King David Dancing 2)

The Joy of The Redeemed (King David Dancing 3)

The Joy of The Redeemed: King David Dancing (Set of 3)

There is Joy in The Presence of Jesus

Through Fire and Water Praise Comes Forth

Vessel of Praise, Vessel of Worship

Vessels of Praise, Vessels of Worship

Worship Leaders

Worship, The Kiss of Intimacy
Fine Art Gallery