Spiritual Warfare, Victory, Freedom, Healing Series
In a fallen world, none of us can escape the bitter effects of sin. Jesus came to redeem us from our sins, to restore us from the damage it has done in our lives and to destroy the works of the one who initially instigated mankind’s fall into sin. Spiritual warfare, victory, freedom and healing are all a part of the Christian experience. This artwork bears testimony to God’s mighty deliverance and healing power in my own life, transforming me from a slave of sin into a soldier in the advancing army of God. All glory be to him!

Spiritual Warfare

Victorious Christ

The Power of Praise


Broken Wings Learning to Fly Again

The Undying Hope That We Have

The Weapons of Our Warfare

Living, Thriving and Bearing Fruit Again

The Undying Hope That We Have 2

The Overcomer

The Army of The Lord Advancing

Don’t Forget Who You Are

Point of Deliverance

Wounded Soldier Rising

Please Let Me Love Your Pain Away

Kept Safe in The Hands of God

Intercessory Prayer

Intercession: Praying The Perfect Will of God

Fine Art Gallery