LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY > MT. FIELD NATIONAL PARK – TASMANIA > Scoparia on The Rodway Range (Mt. Field National Park)


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Richea Scoparia is a common alpine shrub endemic to Tasmania that comes out with red, pink or white flowers in the summer months. Its leaves are very sharp, and as one Tasmanian bush blogger put it, to attempt to bush bash through the Richea scoparia welcomes a “Gore-Tex ripping extravaganza”. Some regions within Tasmania, such as Pelion Gap on the Overland Track, are covered with vast tracts of scoparia. Interestingly, Richea scoparia sometimes forms a hybrid species with Richea pandanifolia (pandanis) called Richea curtisiae.

Mt. Field National Park World Heritage Area in southern Tasmania is about an hour northwest of Hobart and is much loved by locals and tourists alike. It became Tasmania’s first national park in 1916.

At the top of Mt. Field lies Lake Dobson and the alpine hiking tracks to the tarn shelf and Mt. Field West. The best views at Mt. Field (in my opinion) are obtained from the top of the Rodway Range and Mt. Field West, where successive layers of mountain ranges in Tasmania’s Southwest National Park World Heritage Area are visible in good weather. It was from this location that this shot was taken.

Landscape Photography